6 Quick Facts About Metal Roofs

Metal roofs are one of the most popular roofing systems available today. It can be installed on any slope and on any kind of property. In this blog, roof replacement contractor Halo Roofing Inc. shares some quick facts about metal roofs.

  1. Metal Roofs Have Superior Impact Resistance — Metal is a naturally resilient material that can withstand impact from hail and airborne debris without getting punctured. This quality is important in a roofing system, as it reduces the likelihood of leaks caused by punctures on the roof.

  1. Metal Roofs Are Lighter Than Most Roofing Materials — Sheet metal is lighter than most roofing materials. Existing roofs will not require additional reinforcement to accommodate the new roof, making it easier to transition from other types of roofing systems, such as asphalt shingles.

  1. Metal Roofs Have Longer Life Spans — A well-maintained asphalt shingle roof lasts 20 to 30 years. Comparatively, metal roofs last 50 years on average and require less maintenance. Repair work on metal residential roofing likewise takes a shorter time compared to other roofing systems.

  1. Metal Roofs Are Not Noisy — One common misconception associated with metal roofs is that they’re noisy, which probably stemmed from sheds with corrugated metal roofs. Sheds are completely different from residential and commercial roofing. When installed on a roof deck, metal roofs are actually quieter than asphalt shingle roofs.

  1. Metal Roofs Does Not Attract Lightning — Another misconception about metal roofs is that they attract lightning. But the truth is, lighting is attracted by the tallest grounded structure in the area; it could be a tree or a church spire. So unless your home happens to have the tallest structure in the neighborhood, the chances of your home getting hit by lightning are slim to none.

  1. Metal Roofs Are More Energy-Efficient — Metal roofs can be coated with any color, which makes it ideal for commercial properties that need to adhere to company branding colors. This feature also makes metal roofs the perfect “cool roof”. By coating it with white, or a colored paint with a reflective coating, it helps reflect heat from the sun, reducing the heat absorbed through the roof and helping improve building energy efficiency.

Halo Roofing Inc. is your leading provider of storm damage roof repair and other roofing services. Give us a call at (239) 260-4901 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.